Berkley PowerBait® PowerStinger 3.5" Sight Flash


SKU 20401469 - Purposefully built for bladed jigs, the Berkley Power Stinger introduces a new honeycomb molding technology to PowerBait. Designed with both profile and action in mind, the Power Stinger’s dense head prevents tear out while the honeycomb construction drives action, translating the movement from the vibrating jig throughout the trailer.

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Product Overview


  • Purposefully built for use with bladed vibrating jigs
  • Patent Pending "Honey Comb" technology allows the jig or angler to drive the perfect action
  • Thick baitfish profile
  • Back and Belly slots for accommodating a variety of rigging styles
  • Infused with PowerBait® flavor
  • Available in standard and HD Tru colors to match any hatch or application


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Fulfillment LocationOnline, Pickup at Store
Manufacturer NumberPBPS3.5-SIFL


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