Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda Laundry Booster 55oz


SKU 32153145-Add some punch to your detergent and see the difference Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda can make to your dirty laundry. A true boost to knock stubborn stains loose!

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Product Overview

  • Uses all around the home: Laundry, Tile & Grout, Toilets, Microwaves, Sinks, Stainless Steel, Bathtubs, Refrigerators, Outdoor Furniture, Garage Floors, Silver, Upholstery, and more
  • Increases your detergents cleaning power to get out ground-in dirt and stains and cuts through greasy soils
  • A natural product, 100% Fragrance & Phosphate Free


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Home & Patio TypeSoaps/Cleaners
Fulfillment LocationPickup at Store
Manufacturer Number189464


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