Antler King Lick Magic - Apple Flavored Mineral Bucket - 23 lbs.


SKU 7690387 - Apple-flavored Lick Magic® is loaded with essential minerals and vitamins. The heavy-duty bucket is easy to carry and is the perfect way to store Lick Magic®. The strong apple aroma carries long distances for maximum attraction power. Lick Magic® boasts several minerals and vitamins which are essential for maximum antler growth along with nutritious milk production for lactating does for their new fawns. Apply Lick Magic® year-round to maximize your overall herd health and to keep deer on your property.

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Product Overview

  • Loaded with essential minerals and vitamins
  • Bucket makes for easy carry and storage
  • Apple flavoring for long-range aroma and attraction
  • Promotes antler growth and milk production


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Hunting & Shooting TypeMinerals/Attractants
Fulfillment LocationOnline, Pickup at Store
Manufacturer NumberAKLMB23
BrandsAntler King


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