ADM Pen Pals Egg Maker Complete Chicken Feed 50lb


SKU 13040125 - Maintaining a laying flock provides the wholesome goodness and security for you and for others in knowing how and what is being used to produce eggs. Pen Pals poultry feeds are safely formulated to allow birds to efficiently develop strong, healthy bodies permitting maximum egg production after maturity has been reached.
With Pen Pals poultry feeds, it’s……Proven Performance with a Wholesome Choice. Specialty ingredients in Pen Pals Backyard Poultry Products benefit your backyard flock.

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Product Overview

A complete feed for laying hens
  • Designed to meet the complete nutritional needs of domestic layers in production
  • Highly digestible, 16% protein and 3% fat
  • Non-medicated feed containing high-quality grain sources, multiple protein sources and needed minerals and vitamins to encourage maximum egg production
  • Does not contain animal products or animal by-products
  • Feed 0.25 lb/hen/day


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Livestock TypeFeed
Fulfillment LocationPickup at Store
Manufacturer Number70010AAA44


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