Absorbine UltraShield Green All-Natural Fly Spray


SKU 3860360 - This all-natural fly spray features an eco-safe formula that’s safe for the entire family and the environment. Backed by the power of geraniol and six fly-fighting natural oils, you can use UltraShield® Green natural fly spray for horses on ponies, foals, and dogs—plus it’s guaranteed to work or your money back. 32oz Spray Bottle and Gallon sizes.

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Product Overview

  • Contains seven essential oils renowned for their fly repellent qualities
  • Repels and controls biting flies, mosquitoes, and gnats
  • Repels ticks on horses, ponies, and dogs
  • Features a fresh botanical scent
  • Leaves coats shiny
  • Ready to use, water-based formula


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Livestock TypeFly Control
Fulfillment LocationOnline, Pickup at Store
Manufacturer Number429512


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