3M 65021HA1-C Household Respirator, M Mask, Dual Cartridge, Multi-Color

SKU 32370562-3M™ Household multi-purpose respirator is used for certain non-harmful sprays and vapors from pesticides, stains, varnishes coatings, sealants and odor reduction. Featuring a balanced design for more comfort and sweptback cartridges for improved visibility, it is designed for both performance and comfort. Easy-to-use, comfortable and lightweight, the 3M™ household multi-purpose respirator is a great choice in respiratory protection for the DIYer.More
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Product Overview

3M™ Household multi-purpose respirator is used for certain non-harmful sprays and vapors from pesticides, stains, varnishes coatings, sealants and odor reduction. Featuring a balanced design for more comfort and sweptback cartridges for improved visibility, it is designed for both performance and comfort. Easy-to-use, comfortable and lightweight, the 3M™ household multi-purpose respirator is a great choice in respiratory protection for the DIYer.
  • Provides at least 99.97% filtration efficiency against solid and liquid aerosols including oils. Adjustable head harness assembly. Works well with most safety eyewear. Works well with most hearing protectors.


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Fulfillment LocationOnline, Pickup at Store
Manufacturer Number65021HA1-C


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